Function Creation of
Organic/Inorganic Hybrids
Based on Photon and Spin

The Ishii Lab The Ishii Lab

Kazuyuki ISHII Prof. Kazuyuki ISHII

1991 B.S. Tohoku University
1996Dr. Sci. Tohoku University
1996Research Associate, Tohoku University
2006Associate Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
2012Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

Extension number: 56306
Location: Fw304, Institute of Industrial Science, Komaba II campus


The discovery and elucidation of new electronic structures are important not only for pioneering frontier science but also for developing new functions. Since metal complexes have various electronic structures, coordination chemistry is especially promising for designing electronic properties. We aim to create novel functions of organic-inorganic hybrid compounds in terms of coordination chemistry, photochemistry, and spin chemistry. We conduct researches based on syntheses of targeting molecules, various spectroscopies and detailed analyses.



  • Assistant Prof.Tatsuya HIGAKI (Tatsuya HIGAKI)

    Affiliation: The Ishii Laboratory
    Extension number: 56306
    Location: Fw304, IIS.

  • Technical StaffKyoko ENOMOTO (Kyoko ENOMOTO)

    Affiliation: The Ishii Laboratory