Soft Electronics
Created by Molecules

The Takeya Lab The Takeya Lab

Jun TAKEYA Prof.Junichi TAKEYA

1986B.S. The University of Tokyo
1991M.S. The University of Tokyo
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
2001Dr. Sci. The University of Tokyo
2001-2002Visiting Researcher, ETH, Zurich (concurrent)
2005-2006Visiting Researcher, RIKEN (concurrent)
Visiting Associate Professor, Tohoku University (concurrent)
2006Associate Professor, Osaka University
2007-2011Researcher, PRESTO, JST (concurrent)
2010Professor, Osaka University
2013Professor, The University of Tokyo

Extension number: 63787
Location: 4A7, Kiban Bldg., Kashiwa campus


In the development of next-generation electronic devices, it is needed to consider their compatibility to the environment and demands for their diverse functions because of the rapid structural change in human society.  Recently, organic semiconductor devices are attracting much attention as a practical candidate to meet such requirements because of their simple and low-cost production processes, low environmental burden, as well as for their unique function of flexibility.  The scope of our research group ranges from basic scientific studies on materials chemistry and charge transport physics in organic semiconductor interfaces to the device functionalization and engineering of organic semiconductors.



  • Associate Prof.Yasunari TAMAI (Yasunari TAMAI)

    Affiliation:The TAKEYA Laboratory
    Extension number: 63787
    Location: 4AB, Kiban Bldg., Kashiwa campus

  • SecretaryRie SAKAMOTO (Rie SAKAMOTO)

    Affiliation: The Takeya Laboratory