Developing Optoelectronic Devices
for Future Artificial Intelligence Society

The Fujioka Lab The Fujioka Lab

Hiroshi FUJIOKA Prof.Hiroshi FUJIOKA

1984B.S. The University of Tokyo
1984Fujitsu Limited
1995Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
1995Research Associate, University of California, Berkeley
1996Research Associate, The University of Tokyo
1998Lecturer, The University of Tokyo
1999Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo
2004Professor, The University of Tokyo

Extension number: 56342
Location: Fw504, Institute of Industrial Science, Komaba II campus


In future society that takes advantages of artificial intelligence, it is considered necessary to realize a group of devices with unprecedented functions. For example, devices that transmit large amounts of data at high speed, CPUs based on quantum effects, and devices that realize augmented reality. Knowledge of chemistry such as new materials and new processes is indispensable for the development of such new functional devices. We are committed to developing future devices using chemical methods and contributing to the realization of an artificial intelligence society.



  • Assistant Prof.Kohei UENO (Kohei UENO)

    Affiliation: The Fujioka Laboratory
    Extension number: 56344
    Location: Fw504, IIS.

  • SecretaryKeiko NAKAMURA (Keiko NAKAMURA)

    Affiliation: The Fujioka Laboratory