Elucidate working principle of
biomolecular machines,
and Create artificial ‘living’ systems

The Noji Lab The Noji Lab

Hiroyuki NOJI Prof. Hiroyuki NOJI

1993 B.S. Tokyo Institute of Technology
1995M.S. Tokyo Institute of Technology
1997 Ph. D. Tokyo Institute of Technology
1998 Post-doctoral researcher, CREST, JST
2000 Researcher, PRESTO, JST (concurrent)
2001Associate Professor, University of Tokyo
2005 Professor, Osaka University
2010 Professor, The University of Tokyo

Extension number: 27252
Location: 6B02, Eng. Bldg. 3, Hongo campus


Biomolecular machines can convert chemical energy into mechanical work with remarkably high efficiency. ‘Individuality’ often found in single-molecule analyses of biomolecules is thought to be intrinsic nature of biomolecules to attain flexible adaptation to ever-changing environment. We aim at the elucidation of molecular mechanisms of such sophisticated functions of biomolecules, by analyzing at the single-molecule level. We also aim to reconstitute ‘living’ molecular systems in bottom-up approach, by integrating single-molecule techniques and microdevice techniques. In addition to basic research, we pursuit the development of highly sensitive diagnostic assays and accurate screening methods based on our single-molecule techniques. 

Website: http://www.nojilab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/eng/


  • Associate Prof.Kazuhito TABATA (Kazuhito TABATA)

    Affiliation: The Noji Laboratory
    Extension number: 27252
    Location: 6B03, Eng. Bldg. 3.

  • LecturerHiroshi UENO (Hiroshi UENO)

    Affiliation: The Noji Laboratory
    Extension number: 27252
    Location: 6B03, Eng. Bldg. 3.

  • Assistant Prof.Yoshihiro MINAGAWA (Yoshihiro MINAGAWA)

    Affiliation: The Noji Laboratory
    Extension number: 27252
    Location: 6B03, Eng. Bldg. 3.

  • SecretaryKikuyo OHTA (Kikuyo OHTA)

    Affiliation: The Noji Laboratory