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- The Yamaguchi lab
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Masaki Tsujimura is awarded the President’s Award for Students
2022.03.08 | AwardsTopicsActivitiesThe Ishikita lab
[Student] Awards at the 59th Conference of The Biophysical Society of Japan
2021.12.09 | AwardsTopicsActivitiesThe Ishikita labThe Noji lab
[Student] Awards at the CSJ Festa 2021
2021.12.02 | AwardsActivitiesThe Yamaguchi labThe Uemura labThe Ishikita labThe Sunada labThe Takeya lab
[Student] Award at the 47th symposium on biomolecular science.
2021.06.21 | AwardsActivitiesThe Ishikita lab
[Student] Awards at 58th Annual Meeting of BSJ
2020.09.26 | AwardsActivitiesThe Ishikita labThe Noji lab
Electron transfer cascade of photosystem II, published in J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
2020.01.01 | ActivitiesLatest PaperThe Ishikita lab
[Student] Award at 27th Photosynthesis Seminar 2019
2019.07.26 | AwardsActivitiesThe Ishikita lab