An invaluable professional and personal opportunity
Fan Catherine Yang (USA)Postdoc
I am currently a JSPS research fellow in the Noji Lab where I am trying couple artificial cell division with DNA replication. I received my PhD from the University of Oxford and my thesis was the construction of a reprogrammable chromsome-free cell. Since then I became interested in building artificial cells as one can understand biology by attempting to build it from scratch. Artificial cells can also give us clues as to how life originated on earth. Whilst it would have been easier to stay in the UK, a professor pointed out to me that it is very important to build an international network and understand different ways of thinking.
I will have great memories of this time of my life
Mariel Zarco-Zavala (Mexico) Postdoc
I am a research fellow of the Department of Applied Chemistry in the Noji Lab. I did my Ph.D. in The National Autonomous University of Mexico and have always been fascinated by the ATP synthase nanomotor. After meeting Noji-sensei, in the Bioenergetics Gordon Research Conference, I got amazed of the power of the detailed studies of the ATPase complex conducted in his lab and I realize that coming to Japan would be my next objective. Once finishing my Ph.D., I became a postdoctoral fellow at Noji Lab in 2016. During my stay here, I have always felt everyone support (in and out of the scientific field), I have learned many new cutting-edge techniques and I have experienced to be part of the top world-class research environment that the Tokyo University infrastructure and the great vision of the head of the laboratory could provide.